Since 50 years you can find the best warm welcome
Enjoy magic moments of the sea life and fall in love with Commodore Hotel, 3 stars Hotel on the beachside in Riccione.
Reasons to choose Commodore Hotel
Someone says if you put a shell close to your ear, you can hear sea sound… That’s true, but you can also hear more: you can hear children’s laugh while they play, the music and candied fruits’ man, you can feel warmth of welcome , the quiteness of your seafront room, you can enjoy the delicious courses taste, the special Breakfast smell, you can hear… The wish to be here…
Family management. Care and passion: Family management makes the difference Since 50 years Commodore hotel is at the service of its guests. In the 50’s, during the wellnoted economic boom, the grandfather Lido built it.
Get ready for the next season and discover one of the many surprises we reserved you… the new hall!!!